Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Glance Into December

There was a play performed in SLC called A Snow White Christmas. You see Snow White and Christmas are some of Taimi's favorite things so naturally we couldn't resist. And she loved it. We were front and center. It was an interactive play needless to say yours truly was the bunt of the jokes the whole night. Chris and Taimi got a kick out of it so I didn't mind.

Our anniversary is December 22 and this year we celebrated 6 years. The first year was pure bliss not without a lot of compromise. The next 3 were a totally carefree adventure traveling the world together. The next 2 were terribly wonderful and beyond difficult. I'm curious what the next 6 will bring.
For the last 3 years we've gone skiing but this year we took a night to ourselves too. We skied and then relaxed and did the whole spa thing in midway.
Chris had a terrible fever that night. Just my luck :( but he was a trooper. He was well enough to ski the next day. And honestly we had the time of our lives laughing the day away. Gosh it was such a fun weekend. My first night away from both girls in 4 years and I loved it!!!
The next day December 23 we tried to slow down and help Taimi feel and see what Chrismas is and why we celebrate. So we took her to the Salt Lake Temple Square. It was beautiful and memerable. 

Christmas was too busy for my liking. I'm going to do a lot of changes next year to remove some of the noise and chaos so we can feel and listen more to the spirit of the season. There were moments I will cherish like singing carols with my family and listening to my brother Josh play and sing. Or watching my brother open my gift from our sibling present exchange. Staying up with Chris till 4 am helping Santa set up Taimi's 4 story doll house and all her furniture while watching movies and stuffing our faces with seasonal goodies. The excitement on Taimi's face when she noticed Santa ate her cookies. And the reindeer ate their food we sprinkled on the grown outside. Her disbelief when she saw her dollhouse while rubbing the sleep from her eyes.  It was good and fun But next year we will be doing a lot of things different. 

For New Years Chris arranged for my family to stay in this incredible condo 
Overlooking the capital for New Years. The kids had the time of their lives. once the kids went to bed the parents came out to play it was a fun fun fun night. We screamed the countdown all together on the balcony with the rest of down town salt lake. 
Here's to 2014 and the hopeful uncertainty and endless opportunity it brings! 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

How could I forget

Both my girls are napping. People, that NEVER happens. So I have a good 45 minutes to blog about two huge events. One was Oct. 12. Taimi turned 4. 4! It was the first time EVER in her whole 4 years of life to celebrate her birthday with her family and friends on her actual birthday.
Her first Birthday we were in Czech Republic. We invited one of Chris's teammates over for cake and took Taimi to the toy store to pick out any toy of her choice. We fed the ducks and played on the playground.

Her second birthday we were in Germany. We took her to PlayMobile fun park and Legoland. It was amazing! But it was just the 3 of us. 

Her third birthday we were in France her preschool class celebrated and we surprised her with a bunch of toys to open when she got home from school. All she wanted was a wet suite so we got her the smallest wetsuit I've ever seen. It's so adorable and her and Chris went and swam with dolphins in the wild. Really, they were summing in the ocean which was literally in our front yard and 3 dolphins came out of no where it was a dream.

So this year we threw a big halloween birthday bash. 
We reserved a gym and a princess bouncy house. They jumped for hours one of Taimi's favorite things. 
Taimi's grandma got a giant witch piñata to bust! 
4! I still can't believe it!
Each kid got to take a mini pumpkin home. We had Choco covered frozen bananas and some mummy hot dogs. Along with tons more goodies. 
My first child is walking, dancing, singing, playing, jumping, screaming, running. She is healthy and happy. She is carefree and loving! She is aware and compassionate. I couldn't ask for more. 

The second big event is we went to Disneyland for their trick-or-treat party! 
We took Chris's Mom with us. And we were so happy we did. 
Sometimes the drive down and back is one of my favorite parts of the trips we go on. And this one was no exception. We had a great time. 

When we are at Disneyland Taimi and I are on the same playing field. I get excited about the same things she does and like wise she gets excited about the same things as me. We just laugh and run around the whole time. But this time Zuzu was strapped to my belly which we loved. 

This guy lives to make us girls happy and he is OH SO GOOD AT IT! 

This time around Chris and I got to run around the park at night just the two of us. I was so happy I cried for the second time this trip. The moment I walk into town square I cry my eyes out, everytime. Chris still ended up holding me up like a baby for the world of color so I could see. And he may have carried me to our hotel cause I was so exhausted. Is he great or is he great? 
My mom and little bother Jonathan met up with us for a day and the trick-or-treat party. I'm so glad they did. 
We LOVED having them there with us. Usually my mom volunteers to watch the strollers and babies but this time round I wouldn't let her. She got to and sometimes was forced to ride every ride. We even got Taimi to ride Ghost Galazy aka Space Mountain which she hated more than olives. Taimi was tall enough to ride every ride but two and did so with grace (mostly) it was so much fun!!!

And then there was Jack Taimi's favorite guy! She about had a heart attack when she saw him and was so star struck. 
The haunted mansion around Halloween and Christmas is spectacular!!
My Mom. We love her!
Chris's mom. We love her!
Everytime we go to Disneyland we try to do Minnies Breakfast in the Park! It's so worth every penny and it's all you can eat so we stuff our faces :)
My view of the castle for breakfast.

Mike and Sully invited Taimi to be in the scare compitition on James P. Sullivan's team. She rocked it!!! She scared and screamed her little heart out. 

And she got a certificate that now hangs on her dresser. She is so proud. 
Grandma witches they were awesome!

My whole world at my favorite place.
I cried. 
We took a break from trick-or-treating to Dance. And we danced the night away with the Monsters. 
And then we got more candy and treats then we know what to do with. 

Zuzu's first firework experience. He was mesmerized. 

I get asked more then I expect why I like Disneyland so much. And why I would want to bring my little babes when they are still so young. The answer is so simple but hard I articulate. If you go for the rides you are going for the wrong reason. It's the experience and ambiance that we for for. The smells, the cleanliness, the decorations, and the music I love the music the food and the characters. I go to see Taimi's face light up during the parades and shows. I go to be totally carefree with my family. I go to run around with my kids from ride to ride character to character. I go to create wholesome memories that my kids will cherish. I go to watch Chris interact with the girls and see how happy he is to see everyone else so happy. I go to watch Taimi jump up and down scream laugh and shout cause she is so happy! I go to watch Chris smile as he takes a bite of a warm churro. I go to see Chris get excited like a little boy right before he gets on Indiana Jones and then giggles, laughs and screams the whole ride. I go to spend time with my family to get away leave everything behind and just have fun! I go cause I know what to expect and I know all members of my family will have the best time. I go because it makes us happy all of us. I go cause when the day is over and I'm pushing a stroller and Chris is carrying a sleeping kid we will look over at each other with tear filled eyes and let all the happiness we are feeling all the wonderful memories we just made sink in. Then we go to bed wake up and do it all over again. 

Zuzu's North Pole Adventure

Decoration decorating and more decorating. It took a lot to transform Alterra into Zuzu's North Pole Adventure. But we did it! And it was amazing!
Wrapping boxes, blowing up Nutcrackers  to bowl down. And decorating tree after tree after tree.
This girl was amazing helping us decorate for dozens of hours. 

The giant gym the night before during its transformation and our two little ones that inspired it. 
We had twenty or so elves one of which included Buddy.

Just some of the trees we decorated! I love decorating trees so I was loving every minute of it. 
At the event each kid got a custome mug filled with creamy hot chocolate and sipped it along side Mrs. Clause.

Santa played and mingled in the crowd he even played tug-a-war with the kids. 
All the volunteers were phenomenal! Alterra made it happen. We had a huge turn out and are super happy to announce we raised nearly $7,000 dollars. 
Every cent raised is going to single mothers who are tackling parenthood alone and on top of that are taking care and loving a child with special needs. Because of the ones that attended and contributed, families will find a little more peace this season and their burdens will be lighter. 
So from all of us to you THANK YOU and have the Merriest of Christmases!