“Missing Ashley,Chris and Taimi”
We had the most wonderful Thanksgiving (post to come)
except for I thought my family totally forgot about me...until I saw this,
And than I cried my eyes dry.
You see I am a HUGE cry baby but hold it in 90% of the time. I told Chris the other day I wouldn't hold it in anymore if I want to cry I am going to cry.
So far I have cried during church because the cute 12 year old boy passing the sacrament breaths loud HE IS SO SWEET. I thought MAYBE sometime in his life some kids might be mean to him and literally sobbed for a good 5 minutes.
I teach the cutest little 8 year old girls at church. I cried bearing testimony to them about the blessing that Heavenly Father will give them if they pay tithing and than having them promise they will. They looked at me with such concern hahaha so cute.
I cried during the last 10 minutes of Toy Story 3 and 15 minutes after while Chris held me.
I cried before Chris left for an away game just because he was refusing to take money so he could stop and eat after the game. You see he already had money in his wallet but I wanted him to take some more in case he was really hungry. I cried. I cried pretty hard. Finally he accepted the additional Euro.
I cried when I realized my little niece is already 1 I miss her and the other nieces and nephews.
I cried when walking into the grocery store Chris stopped me to tell him I enrich his life.
I cried driving in the car listening to "I'll be home for Christmas"
I can add a few more incidents when tears were shed. Did I tell you I decided I am not going to hold in a cry only a few days ago :)
Have you read this quote before?
It's one of my favorites.
I really dislike when people apologize for crying this quote might shed more light on that for you.
“There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief...and unspeakable love.”
Washington Irving
Ash, I loved this post. Thanks xoxo Brit
oh ashley, I'm SUCH a cry baby too!!! I actually started writing a post about it too, i cried when the goldfish adi brought home died, (i even prayed for them hahaha) recently. and I cried too in toy story 3 when the mom goes into andy's room when it's empty. i thought about sending my kids to college and just lost it. :)anyway I wish you lived closer so we could cry together! :) and I might steal that quote from you for my post, hope you don't mind. :)
ha I am so like that! If one of those ASPCA commercials comes on, I have to turn the TV off. I cry during songs, I cried about one of the awkward girls in my Young Womens, when I think about Olivia riding the schoolbus someday etc. There's a quote I saw the other day that I liked. It says:
"Crying doesn't indicate that you're weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you're alive."
So cry it up cute girl ;)
Your moments are sweet! Im the realllly weird girl who keeps crying during Simpsons episodes.
We really missed you during Thanksgiving! I am excited to go to the hale center theater with you and Chris. I love that place... last time I went I was the only person under 70 I think!
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