Monday, December 12, 2011

A Gift. A Date. A Party. And Fredi's Surprise

The decorating of the Christmas tree is one of my favorite Christmas traditions.
Chris and I have spent 4 Christmases together.
The first Christmas we were on our honeymoon in a beautiful suite in Park City.
On Christmas eve I was crying cause we didn't have a tree and I missed my family
(it was my first Christmas home from my mission and I was away from them again)
So we ran to RiteAid and bought a FAKE (blah) small tree that lacked ornaments, tinsel, ribbons and a star.
Our second Christmas we went and picked out a beautiful tree AND even got to decorate it together.
Our third Taimi was only a few months old. We went and picked out our beautiful tree but Chris was particularly busy that year due to basketball so I decorated it myself in between feedings and my colic baby.
We were in Vegas from the 20-24 :( for a basketball tournament.
We got back from Vegas just in time for our family present exchanges.
It was a little too hectic for Christmas.
Our 4th Christmas we didn't get a tree nor did we decorate one we were packing to move back home from the Czech Republic.
This year we were not going to get a tree AGAIN because we fly home for the holidays on the 18th.
Our great friends got wind of this and surprised us with the most beautiful tree. I love this tree. It's so perfect. They even gave us some lights and some ornaments. A tree as never meant so much to us I never want to take it down.
Half of our ornaments are chocolate ones YUM! There is enough for Taimi to have one every day until we fly home, but only if she eats her lunch and is very good ;) so far she is really enjoying picking one off the tree unwrapping it and savoring the chocolaty goodness.
Every now and then Taimi will give Daddy one and they will enjoy them together.
This is the picture where she found out what was inside those adorable gold bulbs.
Taimi was so cute decorating the tree. Every time I would put one up she would find it observe it and try to take it down...she was a big help...not :)

Our friend Hannah Lucas has a little boy a little older than Taimi so we dropped her off for a play date and headed to Frankfurt to finish our Christmas shopping. I am proud to announce I finished all my shopping about 2 weeks ago...boooyeah!
A very German Bavarian hat that Chris MADE me put on for a picture. I was so nervous because the guy who owns the stand wasn't to happy that we were snapping pics.
There are so many neat nativities, nutcrackers, mugs, puppets and a million other things to buy at these Christmas markets.
Our favorite place in Frankfurt

Our friends Francois (Francewa) hosted the cutest Christmas party.
He is from France and she is from Russia so we sang Carols in German, English, Russian, French and we even sang a little Spanish! We also had foods from various countries it was so awesome!
The hosts are at the piano we love this little family they are so rad.
It was her family that bought us our Christmas tree AND it was basically her idea. She is one of my best friends out here. She hung out with me the whole party. We spent our time singing "6 geese a laying" Chris had "eight ladies milking" and had to sing it alone hahaha Chris is the cutest mad alive.
We also spent the evening trying to get Chris to eat strange and exotic foods, playing sherades.
She is so much fun I am going to miss her while we are home AND he two sisters.
They had a kids room with fun movies.
Taimi was taxied around by Gracie this cute little girl.

My bestest German friend Friede turned 25. Sebastian her sweet BF threw her the funnest and most thoughtful surprise birthday party.
When she walked in and took off her blind fold we all had sparklers lit and sang happy birthday she started to cry and I tried not to it was really special there was a lot of love in the room.
Taimi and our matching animal hats
Dancing at the party with her pops
Taimi's heaven all you can eat M&M's I am sure she ate MY weight in M&M's

Friede is one of the most thoughtful and giving girls I have ever known.
I am so happy that we are friends and I am so glad I got to spend some time with her on her birthday.

It's been a cr cr crazy week.
I spoke in church on Sunday! It couldn't have gone better. I made Elder Bradley cry among others.
I will post my talk because YES it was that good, better than good.
Some of my criticts called it
"heart warming"
"So sincere"
"the best Christmas talk they have ever heard"
"full of heart"
I normally wouldn't brag about something like this or anything for that matter. But Chris and I both worked really hard at it and I am really proud of it.

Lately Taimi waits at the window for Daddy to come home and sings
"Daddy where are yooooooooooooouuuuuuuuu, hahahahahah" over and over and over again it's so awesome.

This week we have a shopping date, a game, a dinner, one last day off and a whole lotta packing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Taimi is adorable. We had some of those chocolate ornaments last year, and they accidantally got packed away. We chose not to try eating them this year, though. I hope you have a great few days until you get to fly home for Christmas. -Emily