Sunday, January 22, 2012

Double Decker and Skin Care

I don't usually go on the road with Chris unless it's a really close drive (20 min).
Saturday Taimi and I were walking Chris to the bus
and than we're going to continue on our way in the rain
to the grocery store for some water, spinach for our green smoothies and juice and some baby-bel cheese wheels.
On our way we saw a huge double-decker bus.
Chris and I had never been on a double decker before so we waited to see if that was his bus.
Double decker buses look so HUGE going down the little narrow streets of Hanau.
Once we realized it would be the bus the team will take. Chris and I looked at each other in a matter of seconds realized Taimi and I are totally down for the 6 hour round trip to Nordlingen to watch Chris play the #1 team in game that starts when Taimi usually goes to bed.
I didn't have anything for a entire day trip for Taimi or myself so we sprinted home to packed our bags and sprinted back to meeting spot.

I am so thrilled that we accompanied Chris rather than sitting inside all day while the rain falls.

We played Rummy, talked, cuddled, laughed, played with Taimi.
It was a great day.

Chris played amazing.
And they won!
The last two games Chris has shot 100% from the field not missing one shot
(17 points both games)

ON ANOTHER NOTE: 2012 is my year of skin. I never really have taken very good care of my skin. So this year I am on the hunt for the best skin products for my face but have no idea where to start. A few weeks ago I started using Philosophy Miracle moisturizer and so far really like it.
I would LOVE to know!


Chelsea said...

I love Eminence! You should try it! It smells so good too!

KaSs MiLeS said...

i know this sounds weird, BUT when i was on my diet and drinking a gallon of water a day, my skin was fantastic! it made the biggest different ever!

Jonathan and Kiri said...

How fun! That's so awesome you were able to go along for his game :) What a sweet memory you guys made!

As for skin products, right now I have to do quite a bit to keep my skin nice with all the pregnancy hormones!

I use the proactive solution in the morning and then the Olay Professional Pro-X Advanced Cleansing System at night. It has worked incredibly!!! (And of course, my American and Italian doctors have approved them for pregnancy or I wouldn't be using them!)

But I would even recommend the Olay Professional system if you want to try just one :)

{lindy baker cakes} said...

For Christmas my mom bought me a whole line of Philosophy and I LOVE it! It's amazing and makes my skin feel so soft! I especially love the orange peel exfoliator. Look it up on Nordstrom or Sephora. Love it!