The days go by here in the Czech Republic and my skin keeps getting worse and worse all I want is a face as flawless, clean and soft as a babies bottom, you can understand right?. But right now my skin is completely uncontrollable, ungovernable, unmanageable, unruly and a bit rebellious. I don't know if it's the water, my cleanser, or the fact that I am not breast feeding AS MUCH! Seriously though something needs to be done or else I might pick my face off (sorry for the mental picture)
I plead with all who read this that you will share you skin care secrets, products, tips and condolences. I am definitely on the hunt for new products because the ones I am using now most definitely have been fired, kaput, tossed down the drain.
I look forward to hearing from you all...until than HAPPY cleansing.
Do you have access to Gold Bond or Eucerin lotion? I know they do a great job of moisturizing dry skin.
For my face, I use Suki skin care products, which I order online. I combine the serum and the moisturizing lotion for dry skin on my face. What about Pond's?
I'm the last one to be giving advice about skin care, but the one lotion I LOVE (I have an oily T zone but the rest of my face is dry) is Clinique dramatically different moisturizing GEL. It HAS to be the GEL, not the original moisturizer - which I think is awful. It works super well and soaks in quickly and never makes me break out.
GUYS thank you so much for your comments and suggestions I am excited to research them!! Keep em coming :)
The rumor in the dermatologist circle is a simple bar of Dove soap...? I don't know but it is worth a try!
hey ashley, try this cosmetics http://www.garnier.co.uk/_en/_gb/our_products/products_trade.aspx?tpcode=OUR_PRODUCTS^PRD_SKINCARE^ACTIVE_SKIN^ACTIVE_SKIN_BENEFITS
garnier in Europe has different products as in US and you may give them a try :)
also, do you want to visit a dermatologist? i dont know if these people speak english, but it seems they do a lot of things for better looking skin http://www.dermakolin.cz/
good luck!
I use this...
I love it. But I think everybody is different. Unfortunately. Hopefully you find out what works for you!
and apparently keeping hydrated is really good. Not sure what lotion but lather up! as long as it is made for the face.
I am SOOO Happy you did this post! Why? Because since getting here to Europe my skin has been TERRIBLE. Ive wondered if it's the terrible circulation in all the rooms, buildings and our apartment or just the change in climate but either way, I'm right there along with you and I wanna try all these suggestions.
PS I got your email and will right back once we get back to Biella from our little trip. We're on the train right now so depending on how late it is when we get home, I'll get back to you either tonight or tomorrow. I wish I could now but typing out an email on a cell phone gives me a headache! And this darn train is so bumpy!!
Love you ash!
well i'm on accutane right now, not sure if you know what it is , it's an acne medication that completley dries your skin out so trust me i know what you're going through!!!
i use a nivea lotion it's aqua day lotion
it's magical!
I know the feeling! The same thing happened to me last year in Turkey and happened to me when I arrived here in Treviso. I've met with my dermatologist pretty much every single time I visit home and get the same answer. You live in a different country! There is different pollution, climate, food, water- basically EVERYTHING is different. What he told me to really focus on is keeping a good mild cleanser at hand and using a good clean lotion. Best cleanser? MDskincare all in one cleanser (nordstrom) OR just a Dove bar of soap! And as for moisturizer, it's all about cetaphil twice a day! I'm not telling you that I don't have skin problems anymore because I DO! But it just takes some getting adjusted to. I am also using a prescription when i break out that is a medicated facewash but it's too strong to use all the time. Let me know if you want the name! xoxo
For the face I suggest Dove bar soap. It's gentle enough that it cleans thoroughly without drying my skin.
For your body I'm a strong believer in Queen Helene's Cocoa Butter. I use the lotion for every day use and the tub for extreme dryness. Around here you can find it at the local drug stores. I don't know if you can find it in the Czech. Good Luck Ash!
Everyday: http://www.walgreens.com/store/catalog/Moisturizing/Cocoa-Butter-Hand-and-Body-Lotion/ID=prod6025126-product?V=G&ec=frgl_&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=sku6023884
Extreme dryness: http://www.buy.com/prod/queen-helene-cocoa-butter-creme/q/sellerid/26807664/loc/67984/216006312.html
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