Sunday, March 4, 2012


  Hanau Jan-March 2012 075Hanau Jan-March 2012 146

Taimi Taimi Taimi. 

She somehow manages to find my favorite lipsticks and tests them out on herself. She gave this one her approval I can’t help but laugh when she does that and not just with my lipstick basically if it’s mine she gets into it. It’s flattering really I enjoy it.

She loves putting together her outfits or adding her little touch to outfits we dress her in.

Hanau Jan-March 2012 033 Hanau Jan-March 2012 056 Hanau Jan-March 2012 053  Hanau Jan-March 2012 021

Her Cinderella dress or as she calls it “Cinella ess” that she loves to wear either when having a tea party with Mickey and Minnie or when watching any Disney princess movie (all her idea)

She frequently will want her bathing suit on over whatever she is wearing along with any beanie or hat she can find.

Putting on Moms shoes is a daily activity. She would happily leave the house wearing any of my shoes if she could only figure out how to get down 2 flights f stairs while wearing them. It’s only a matter of time she does…she’s a genius.

Super Taimi. The Underwear over the pants ensemble. We let her walk around town and to restaurants like this. I love it. I think it gives her confidance when we allow her to make her own decisions and not try to control her every move. She loves to sit and look out the window (which is securly fastened she can’t open it and either Chris or I usually both are right by her side) This day she was sad cause it was rainy. We were singing “it’s raining it’s poring the old man is snoring…” I love that song.

Today the playoffs begun. We played a team in Northern Germany. We will play them again next Saturday and if we win again on Tuesday.

Tonight we lost which is super sad. However I can’t help but feel I teeny tiny bit happy cause that just means I might be home for Easter.

1 comment:

Gabe, Melissa, and Jace said...

She is so cute! I love the outfit with the swimsuit and the hat, so funny! Sounds like she has become quite the clothes stylist:) We sure miss you guys. Can't wait till you come home. Love you guys!