Chris had a basketball workout in Vegas at the end of July so Taimi and I packed out bags and tagged along.
A side note I am super happy to say this adorable little nugget goes to preschool diaper free.
Atta girl you are so brave.
After a stop at Costco for lunch, gas and of course snacks we hit I-15.
I have to say road trips are my favorite. The quality talk and laugh time you get when you are stuck in a car together for hours is priceless not to mention all the fast food that I love so much.
We stayed on the umpteenth floor somewhere in excaliber. Alittle to high for my liking but Chris and Taimi loved it.
I love how hard men work for their families. I think it's one of the sweetest gestures of love. Chris puts his body on the line sometimes twice a day and exhorts so much energy for Taimi our little peanut and me. And he does it with a smile on his face without every complaining.
We had a great time in Vegas. Ate at an expensive buffet that I threw up immediatly after.
Went to a rainforest and ate mediocre food. Played at the pool a lot and cheered on Daddy.
Went to a rainforest and ate mediocre food. Played at the pool a lot and cheered on Daddy.
Since we were already half way to the beach we decided to just keep going South and ended up in San Diego.
Day 1 in San Diego we visited my cousin and cousin-in-law. They took us on their boat on the San Deigo bay. It was a perfect. Their boat was beautiful.
Taimi really and truely didn't stop smiling.
We spotted sea lions, pelicans, and all sorts of other birds.
I LOVE this guy!! There are not many childhood summer memorie that don't include Dustin.
No matter how long it's been since we've seen eachother we don't miss a beat.
Now you can throw Jesse in the mix and it's even better. They are so great!
After they took us to "little Mexico" for some Tacos because it's taco tuesday of course.
It was lively and delicious!
It was lively and delicious!
Day 2 Grandma Dravland and THE BEACH!! Chris's favorite place.
We visited Grandma Dravland took her to breakfast and ran some errands with her then headed to the beach!
We visited Grandma Dravland took her to breakfast and ran some errands with her then headed to the beach!
It was a little to cold for me so I sat back and adored these two playing together for hours and hours.
They braved the initial zap of freezing water adjusted then played in it for hours.
Taimi loved being buried, she chased the waves for hours, acted like various different animals with Daddy, and Daddy pulled her on a buggy board through the waves.
They fished for sand crabs for a very long time. It was hilarious. I remember my sister Liz would find sand crabs and then throw them into the air as high as she could I was both amazed she could brave the touch of them and disgusted she would even dare.
Taimi doesn't take after her Mom when it comes to sand crabs. I won't even touch them. She seriously is fearless.
Stupid seaguls pecked this bag out of my beach hamper pecked it open and nearly ate all the pretzels in it. The nerve.
I love watching these two's relationship flourish. I love seeing her run to her Daddy for anything. He really understands her. They have a great time together. He's not just her bodygaurds and protector. But he also brings her a lot of comfort and makes he laugh all the time.
Such a fun day.
I didn't want to do the beach another day so we decided to go see Grandma one more time and in the morning DISNEYLAND!!
Why not??
So happy to see photos of your sweet growing family! Enjoy your time in France and when you get back stateside come and see us again!
P.S. Hang in there mama-it gets easier, I promise. :)
Matzinger Family
Dan your wif is a hotty...she should wear a thong
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