Wednesday, February 20, 2013

From France to the NICU

Our day of countless miracles
 It was May 4 we had just done some grocery shopping.  
We were heading to our usual Doppler and Non-Stress Tests. 
Which measures the babies heart rate, fluid and blood flow going through the cord. 
We had been going to these appointments every other day sometimes every day since early December. 
Little did we know this was the day they were going to admit me to deliver 
and in 5 hours I was going to be holding our precious little girl.

Zuzu Noel Miles was 36 weeks old and alive! (Miracle #1) 
they didn't think she would make it past 32 and had a 50% chance of a still birth.
I was admitted a little after 6pm and was already dilated to a 1 (miracle #2) 
40 minutes later a 3 (miracle #3)
We were very lucky my body was cooperating.

They started me on Pitosin. 
But immediately Zuzu was showing serious stress signals. Meaning during the contraction her heart rate would drop dramatically and it would take her a minute or two to get back up to a normal healthy heart rate.
Right away they decided to stop the pitosin and monitor Zuzu for a while has we discussed a c-section. 
Which was our only safe option at the moment.

I kept having consistent contractions and Zuzu kept dropping. 
Scared and unsure we said our silent prayers 
Right away they gave me an epidural in case we needed to rush Zuzu and I into surgery. 
The Doctor and nurses were not optimistic and were 99+% sure we would have to do a c-section especially since the contractions I was having were fairly small and she was already so stressed.

I was so scared! I just wanted my baby out and alive.

The doctor saw how nervous and scared I was to have surgery so he decided to see if I was dilated and effaced any further 
I was a 5 and it had only been 20-30 minutes 
My awesome Dr.decided  to go with the 3 strikes your out motto. 
So they turned the pitosin back on but at a VERY low drip. 
Zuzu was still dropping but staying consistent enough to keep trying.
(miracle #4, 5 &6)

They said they would give us about an hour and check me again. 
 During that whole hour Zuzu's heart rate looked amazing!!(Miracle 7)

The hour passed so they checked me again and I was a 9!! A blasted 9!
So they got the room ready for delivery 5 minutes later I was a 10 and pushing. 
(miracle #8)

The doctors and nurses were amazing that Zuzu pulled through and was strong enough to go through the canal. She is so amazing!

After a pushed a good 5 times out she came. Taking in her first breath with her heart beating and lungs inflating. 
(miracle #9-11)

Some might wonder why we consider some of these things miracles. 
Well let us tell you a little about our champ and hero Zuzu. 

She has 4 holes in her heart one very large and three pretty small ones. One of the holes all babies have but it closes by the second or third day but hers didn't. She was diagnosed with Down Syndrome which is the reason for most her heart problems 
50% of children with Down Syndrome have heart defects. 

Our little angel is in the NICU. 
She is 2 weeks and 1 day old. She will need heart surgery sometime in the very near future. 
We will try to keep her from heart failure till she reaches 4-6 months but she might go into hearth failure before that time. 

In the last 2 weeks Zuzu has shocked everyone from staying alive and in the womb till almost 37 weeks to being strong and spunky enough to go through the birth canal. 

And most recently latching on and nursing every scheduled feeding already weighing in at 5 lbs 3 oz. 
(Miracle # 12 & 13)
She's a rock star and steals the hearts of everyone that meets her.

**there have been countless more miracles. We are so happy to have our little precious angel here and a part of our lives.
Thanks to everyone for your concern love support and prayers


Ninotschka said...

You and your baby are strong and I wish you all the best in the world. Your journey was incredible and you will receive many more miracles in the future. Amazing story, brought tears in my eyes. I am sending you lots of love and positive thoughts!

Jen said...

i have read your blog for a while now, mostly because i loved vicariously living through your european travels, but this post stole my heart. you have a precious baby and she must have some amazing things to accomplish on the earth for god to have kept her here. you have lots of struggles and trials ahead but i can't wait to hear about many more miracles to come! prayers going up for you all!

Anonymous said...

I, like Jen, have loved following you through your travels - they always look fantastic. I'm sending prayers your way. I just want you to know that my nephew was born 3 months premature weighing a tiny 1lb 4oz. This was back in June 2009 and he is now a happy and healthy little boy. They are such little fighters as well as being in fantastic care. Be strong and god bless xxxx

Daisha said...

What a little miracle and fighter you have. Zuzu is darling and we are praying for her and all your family!
-Cole and Daisha Johnson (Chris served in our ward on his mission in Portland - Gabriel Park Ward).

Alexis and Justin said...

Ashley, I don't know why I had no idea about any of this! I only knew you had your baby early, but wow, that is all amazing. And you are such an amazingly strong little family. I will pray for you and for little Zuzu. What a sweet little girl. We love you!